

Developing an Environmental Assessment Report and an Appropriate Assessment

Developing an Environmental Assessment Report and an Appropriate Assessment
Subject: Developing an Environmental Assessment Report regarding an Appropriate Assessment of the compatibility of “Detailed Spatial Plan – Amendment to the Construction Plan and Detailed Spatial Plan – Plot Plan” with the conservation objectives and the subject of protection of Plana SCI (BG0001307).
Sterna consult was assigned the development of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and an Appropriate Assessment (AA), regarding the conservation objectives and subject of protection of Natura 2000, of a project aimed at spatial planning of an area of 200 ha intended for the construction of Plana Heights complex.
The tasks implemented by our team for the development of the Environmental Assessment Report and the Appropriate Assessment involved:
  • Gathering available information on the state of play regarding the quality of ambient air, surface and ground water, and soils. Sterna's experts also conducted field surveys to complement the available scientific information related to different groups: invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, bats and fish. Field studies were carried out on vegetation and natural habitats as well as landscape in the area of expected impact of the project implementation;
  • Identifying the scope and extent of likely impacts on different environmental components, natural habitats, and species populations;
  • Developing characterization of the protected sites and the rest of the protected natural areas in the vicinity of and within the wide perimeter of the spatial plan;
  • Preparing analyses and assessment of the expected likely impact of the implementation of the Plan on the environmental components as well as on the conservation objectives and the subject of protection of Plana SCI;
  • Developing complete characterization of other investment proposals, plans and programs, which, if combined, would have an adverse cumulative impact on Plana SCI and its elements;
  • Proposing measures to prevent, reduce and, where possible, eliminate the adverse impacts of the project implementation on the environment and the Natura 2000 site;
  • Preparing a plan for implementing the measures;
  • Organizing and implementing public consultations with stakeholders, such as interested state and local institutions, scientific organizations, NGOs, etc.