

Priority axis 3 “NATURA 2000 and Biodiversity”

Priority axis 3 “NATURA 2000 and Biodiversity”
To achieve compliance with Directive 92/43/EEC, Directive 2009/147 EC and Directive, and the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy (Objectives 1 and 2), funds will be invested in measures and actions under the National Prioritized Action Framework (NPAF) for the NATURA 2000 Network.
Development and implementation of a management approach for the NATURA 2000 sites (SPAs and SCIs) and enhancement of the capacity for managing the NATURA 2000 network (m 25, m 26, m 82, m 102 of NPAF)
  • Developing analyses and implementing studies justifying the selection of the NATURA 2000 management approach, the national management structure for the implementation of the NPAF, and the approach to the development of Management Plans for the NATURA 2000 sites;
  • Start-up funding of the costs of the NATURA 2000 management structure, including management systems, salaries, equipment, etc.
Investments to maintain and improve the conservation status of species and natural habitats of the NATURA 2000 network (m 22, m 43, m 96, m 97, m 98, m 99, m 109 of NPAF)
  • Restoration and maintenance of natural habitats and habitats of species, as well as preservation of species, prioritized on the basis of the results of the mapping of species and habitats carried out during the period 2007-2013, based on the measures identified in the NPAF and on the basis of the activities set out in management plans, action plans and other relevant documents;
  • Construction/reconstruction/rehabilitation of infrastructure necessary for restoration and maintenance of natural habitats and species, also for implementing ongoing monitoring, reducing the impact of their exploitation, etc.
Identifying and complementing the network of NATURA 2000 sites. Analyses and studies of species and natural habitats subject to reporting under Art. 17 of the Habitats Directive and Art. 12 of the Birds Directive in the marine and coastal areas as well as in the inland area of the country (m 1, m 2, m 62, m 63 of NPAF)
  • Scientific studies and research on the network of NATURA 2000 sites, field surveys, compilation of databases, completion of standard data forms, development and application of methods for identification of CS, identification of CS and mapping. Preparation and issuance of orders for designation of new NATURA 2000 sites and/or change in the boundaries of existing NATURA 2000 sites;
  • Analyses and studies of species and habitats in the terrestrial part of the country and in the coastal and marine areas, development of methodologies and schemes for monitoring and evaluation of the CS, their implementation, evaluation of the results. Species of a secretive lifestyle, as well as species and habitats not amenable to modeling, are considered of particular priority;
  • Status assessments of the elements of green infrastructure in the land area of the country as well as in the marine and coastal areas of the NATURA 2000 network.
Preparation/updating/harmonization of management plans for NATURA 2000 sites, action plans for species and other strategic documents (m 16, m 20 of NPAF)
  • Development or updating of management plans or other relevant documents;
  • Development/updating of action plans for species according to F1 and F2 priorities of NPAF and other species included in the EU nature conservation legislation identified as endangered or being of priority at European level.
Support for the development and management of ecosystem services (m 17 of NPAF)
  • Verification and update, if necessary, of the methodologies for assessment of ecosystems and their services;
  • Assessment of the state of ecosystems and ecosystem services;
  • Assessment of the economic value of these services and development of a scheme for the use, for a consideration, of the ecosystem services of the NATURA 2000 sites, including promotion of the integration of this value into the accounting and accountability systems;
  • Elaboration of an ecosystem monitoring program. Summarizing the data at national level and reporting to the EC.
Establishing, developing and maintaining a shared vision for the NATURA 2000 ecological network in Bulgaria (m 15, m 32, m 33, m 34, m 35, m 74, m 75, m 76 of NPAF)
  • Planning and implementing national and supporting information campaigns;
  • Organizing and holding an annual national/international forum and an annual national competition for best projects;
  • Organizing and conducting innovative environmental events;
  • Establishing, organizing and operating a virtual media relations office, etc.