

Procedure “Specific training”

Procedure “Specific training”
Priority axis 1 “Improving access to employment and enhancing the quality of jobs”
Description:                         Raising labor productivity and creating conditions for sustainable employment by providing opportunities for enterprise- and job-specific training.
Beneficiaries:                      Employers in knowledge-based, high technology and ICT sectors and the processing industry with higher labor added value
Eligible costs:                     Staff costs
Fixed assets costs
Service costs
Publicity costs
Indirect costs
Eligible activities:             Involvement of inactive/unemployed individuals in specific trainings; Involvement of successful inactive/unemployed trainees in non-subsidized employment with an employer; Involvement of inactive and/or unemployed and/or employed individuals in specialized foreign language training for the relevant positions; Involvement of employees in job-specific training courses.
* Important! The Applicant shall retain at least 50% of the target group members, involved in the operation and successfully trained, for a period of 6 months after the end of the project.
Co-funding:                         up to 100%
Submission deadline:        February 2017 – April 2017
Min. co-funding rate:        up to BGN 50 000
Max. co-funding rate:       up to BGN 391 166