

Sub-measure 6.4.1 “Investments in support of non-agricultural activities“

Sub-measure 6.4.1 “Investments in support of non-agricultural activities“
Description:                         Developing the competitiveness of rural areas; Providing employment opportunities; Developing "green economy" technologies, including renewable energy for own consumption; Utilizing the potential for development of tourism, combining natural and cultural values.
Beneficiaries:                      Farmers or micro-enterprises registered as sole traders or legal entities under the Commerce Act, the Cooperatives Act or the Religious Denominations Act, as well as individuals registered under the Crafts Act.
Eligible costs:                     Construction, acquisition or improvement of immovable property;
Purchase (including leasing) of new machinery and equipment;
Fees and consultancy services;
Acquisition and development of computer software;
Acquisition of patents, licenses, copyrights and trademarks.
Co-funding:                         Up to 75% of the total eligible costs, also observing the “de minimis” rules
Submission deadline:        December 2017
Min. co-funding rate:        EUR 10 000
Max. co-funding rate:       EUR 200 000